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Special Offers

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  • Hotel Splendide Royal Lugano

    Unforgettable Valentine's Day

    Unforgettable Valentine's Day

    Celebrate Valentine's Day in Lugano. Free Cancellation 48 hours and breakfast included.
  • Hotel Splendide Royal Lugano

    Best Flexible Rate

    Best Flexible Rate

    Take advantage of the Best rate of the Day - Breakfast included - free cancellation 24 hours prior to arrival.
  • Hotel Splendide Royal Lugano

    Enchanting New Year’s Eve at the Splendide Royal

    Enchanting New Year’s Eve at...

    Start the new year with style - Breakfast included - 48 hours cancellation policy
  • Hotel Splendide Royal Lugano

    Enjoy Lugano- USI/SUPSI/ Franklin University

    Enjoy Lugano- USI/SUPSI/ Frank...

    An offer that gives you the unique combination of the excellence of Ticino's hospitality and gastronomy.